5th Trailer of Dicks and Damsels: 1st Episode


I would like to say that thanks to everyone who follows my work in some way, all your positive comments help me to continue or improve the work I do, which is far from being a video of notable work, but it is my first video, so… I don’t want to set the bar too high either.

These months I have been able to work a lot on the animation and although I have had quite serious and continuous setbacks, I have been able to advance at a good pace and quality to do what I have currently finished so far.

I have approximately 50% of the video already finished and the project is going very slow, because I only dedicate myself to animating and drawing everything… so wait at least 6 more months to see it complete… however I hope you like it and any Your support will help me keep this project going <3

Date: July 6, 2024