Blood Veil & nightclubber


‘tenderize’ /ˈtɛndərʌɪz/
verb; vampire slang
gerund or present participle: tenderizing

“To seduce and have intercourse with a victim, thus getting their blood rushing and reducing their guard, making for a more rewarding bite; allusion to making meat more tender by beating or slow cooking.”

And such was the fate of this comely vixen, intercepted on her way home from a local nightclub. Some assertivity, a good car and viciously alluring looks were all it took to swoon Jenna’s victim into surrendering unto her.

A short animation I made as I practice. Longer scenes will come. “Blood Veil” Jenna is my F-list character, and belongs in a hypersexualized take on Vampire the Masquerade.

Date: October 3, 2023
Actors: Unknown Artist