Yuki Sudo, an occult-loving JD who aspires to have spiritual experiences. One day, she receives a proposal to live in an accident property from a senior member of the occult circle she belongs to. Full of her curiosity, she decides to move in with her. When she moved in, she purchased a video camera to capture psychic phenomena. She was there to photograph herself while she was asleep. She succeeded in catching her shadow while she continued shooting. The figure of her was the spirit of the suicide, the culprit of the accident property where she lived. From the next day onwards, a psychic disorder began directly in her body. but…… The mental disorder that occurred was purely sexual. Yuki is disappointed by the irrelevant spiritual disorder. But did that trigger her own latent propensity to blossom? she does Will she regret her own curiosity, or…
Date: April 23, 2024
Mad Vermillion
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